Real Time Strategy

Chay fired. There was an explosive floomp noise, like a tennis gun.

A splash of horrific-looking white gunk wrapped itself around James's torso and right arm, gluing him to the nearest computer bank. The doomsday controller was knocked out of his hand and clattered onto the floor.

Chay stepped up - her enormous, white weapon sprouting a secondary barrel - and fired again, this time a tiny directional electromagnetic pulse, aimed at the controller. There was a satisfying electric snap and the controller exploded.

Then she was in James's face, one hand on his left shoulder, her gun morphing into yet a third shape and emitting a rising whine as it charged up. James stared down its inch-wide barrel, found himself utterly immobilised by glue and Chay's immense weight, and said politely, "Can I have a minute to explain?"

"You just blew up my home planet," said Chay. Wreckage was indeed spilling across the screen behind her. Frank, somewhere off to the left, flailed his arms and failed to say or do anything significant.

"That wasn't your home planet. If that was your home planet, it wouldn't have blown up," said James, looking Chay in what he hoped were her eyes. "History can't be changed. But there are two histories. And every time we go back in time, we also switch tracks."

Chay paused momentarily, then fractionally eased the pressure on James's shoulder. "Keep talking."

"In our timeline, there is no planet Tjörd. There's just an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It was always thought that the asteroids might be the remains of a failed or destroyed planet and now we know it was: it was blown up, here, now, by me. In the other timeline, your timeline, Earth was blown up and formed an asteroid belt, this time between Venus and Mars, leaving Tjörd behind for your species to evolve on. Everything's fine. Your timeline still exists. We can get back to it any time we want. All we have to do is go back in time again. Do you see?"

Chay thought about this for several seconds. "So you went back in time, and blew up Earth. Then you went back in time again, and blew up Tjörd."

"Thus creating both timelines, and answering the original question I set out to answer, which is what would stop me changing history if I tried. All that happened is I got bumped into a different timeline and created history instead of changing it. Are you getting this? Frank, did you get any of that?" asked James, rolling his eyes sideways to where Frank was standing.

"No, you're going to have to draw me a diagram," said Frank.

James looked back at Chay. She hesitated, but then backed up and released him. She pressed a button on her gun and the goop which had pinned James loosened itself, then leapt back into the barrel of the gun, as if yanked by invisible wires. The gun folded itself away and merged seamlessly with her pressure suit.

And James drew his diagram, and patiently explained everything over and over until Frank and Chay both got it.

"That leaves only one question," said Chay eventually. "How could you be so sure we were back in your timeline when you blew Tjörd up?"

"Because you were on this ship twice," said James. "You asked to be beamed up—"

"It's not 'beaming up'—"

"Whatever, whatever. But your computer didn't lock onto you. The flash of light we saw was from something else. Which meant there had to be two Chays on this ship, and your computer locked onto the wrong one."

"...Which means..."

"...You are going to be in this cavern-slash-spaceship-slash-time machine... again. In your future, but in the cavern's past," said James. "Which means somehow we're going to get back to where we started and send you around the loop a second time."


"Permit me to demonstrate. First we need to return to the exact point in spacetime where we left," said James. He moved back over to his computer terminal. "As we're in the right timeline now, that's just a case of travelling forward in time four and a half billion years, by pressing this handy green button. May I?" he asked Chay.

Chay gestured assent.

James pressed the button. The screen above them became bare, steely wall once more. They had returned home.

"Finally," said Frank.

"Now all we need to do is to send you, Chay, back in time to the exact same place, time and timeline that we went back to when we started this crazy jaunt. Five minutes before the Earth was blown up, in your home timeline. Your pressure suit is still working, I assume?"

Chay checked some readouts on the back of her wrist, contorting her fingers oddly to do so. "Check."

"Now just go and stand in the middle of the cavern, out there roughly in the dark somewhere. It doesn't matter where - neither of us were looking when you appeared. I'm going to configure the time-travel conduits - "flux capacitors", to use the technical term - to project a smaller field around just you instead of this whole cavern. Now remember, when you get there, just do absolutely nothing until your computer brings you home."

"Just hide and keep quiet?"

"You got it."

"Right." Chay chose her spot in the middle of the cavern, and signalled that she was ready.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" asked Frank.

"Of course I am!" said James. "If it didn't work, it would change history, and history can't be changed. Have faith in causality, i.e., me."

Chay vanished.


Her ears popped painfully - they were similar enough to a Human's to do this - as all the air surrounding her pressure suit suddenly disappeared. For a few moments she tumbled in blackened space, making a conscious effort not to move or react in case she activated her suit's inertial controls and pushed herself away from the target point. She caught a good long look at the red, slowly collapsing dust cloud that was Earth, and a glimpse of brilliant yellow sunlight - then a makeshift spacetimeship clonked untidily into existence around her and she dropped a centimetre to the floor.

"What just happened?" said a voice.


There was a small thunderclap as air filled the hole in space Chay had left, but absolutely no light effect to accompany it. It being the first time he had witnessed a time-shift from outside, Frank felt rather let down by this.

The echo of the thunderclap died away. Frank wandered off to the corner with the vending machines in search of coffee. James turned his attention to his stricken doomsday device, and began to pick up the pieces one by one. "Am I still fired?" he asked.

"Well, you blew up two planets," Frank called back as the machine poured his drink. "I think that's against health and safety regulations."

"They were uninhabited at the time. And it turned out I was supposed to do it all along. You can't blame me for fulfilling my unavoidable destiny. I was a helpless agent of causality."

"I'm almost positive somebody tried that defence in court once."

"Did it work?"

"Don't think so."

"At least we proved my doomsday device work...ed. Also, aliens!"

Frank swallowed a sip of coffee. "Five minutes of one alien. Hello, kaboom, goodbye. Not even a photograph to show for it."

"Ah, they'll be back."

There was a pause while Frank drank and James collected small pieces of electronics from the floor. Eventually Frank found the presence of mind to ask, "When?"

"They should already be here," said James, glancing at his watch.

"Ah, you got me." Chay stepped out of the shadows again. "Ta-da."

Frank spluttered and began to choke on his drink.

"Work that one out," said James, to nobody in particular.


Discussion (13)

2008-11-10 22:23:13 by Drake:

Wasn't there an explanation of this somewhere, that had to do with the direction of time?

2009-04-22 00:09:00 by JazzyB:

And that's why I love this writer. Great thought experiments and mind-bending explanations.

2009-08-21 10:19:25 by Rafe:

Hypothesis: Chay's suit contains a modular transporter component which simply transports itself and whatever it is attached to. If removed from the suit, the component is the only thing recalled; the suit and alien remain where they are. After being sent back in time, Chay removes this unit so that, when the younger Chay gives the recall signal, the elder Chay's unit is recalled but both Chays remain present. Thereafter, the elder Chay simply remains hidden for the duration of James's shenanigans. Why is the transporter designed to be modular? And why does Chay choose to stay with the humans? I could not say.

2010-10-03 06:53:32 by strangexperson:

Chay wants to stick around so she can find out enough about time travel and planet-destroying superweapons to duplicate them. Her suit seems to be designed for military purposes and she responds to a threat in a manner consistent with military training. A modular transport beacon would have numerous military applications, such as redundancy in the event of damage, rapid retrieval of objectives from the field of battle, and avoiding remote capture by an enemy force.

2010-12-27 17:27:17 by Brad:

So, they created/fulfilled one causal loop by destroying the planets. What happens if they were to go back and attempt to alter history again?

2011-07-08 06:08:57 by Ray:

It could just be a coincidence (in fact, I'm almost certain it is at this point, but I've put enough thought into this by this point that I might as well share my thoughts), but right before Chay teleports aboard, Frank says "You think *that's what just happened?*" When Chay is sent back, the first thing she hears is "...that's what just happened?" So it's possible that the one who appeared there was the one who was just sent back, or that the second Chay arrived at the same time, or something along those lines. The problem with this is that she saw what appeared to be the forming Earth when she arrived. Another issue is that the teleporter apparently creates light and the time machine doesn't, but the fact that James specifically seemed to expect light and the author bothered to point that out makes me wonder if it's a clue I'm not getting, especially since there must have been *some* clue that allowed James to realize Chay was still there/back already. Perhaps the time machine creates light on arrival but not departure. If this is the case, then the apparent departure of Chay 2 might have actually been an arriving Chay, which would suggest that Chay 1 also came from a time jump. But it can't be the same Chay that was sent back from Earth present day, or she'd be infinitely old at that point, so there would probably need to be three Chays on board at that point. Either that, or the two Chays somehow switched places without anyone noticing. Like I said, this hypothesis can't work without at least some modification to explain why she apparently saw Earth upon arrival, but maybe someone else can think of something I didn't.

2011-11-30 08:25:28 by Ray:

Here's a version of events with three Chays that works. (It'll probably be necessary to paste the diagram into a text editor to get the ASCII art to line up.) Chay's Ship/planet/whatever | ^ | | Chay1 | | Chay3 Creation v | BIG ------------> of Earth, --(D)-------> Present --------> Future BANG ^ ^ destruction day | | of Tjörd | | | ^ | | | | (A) Chay3 Chay2 | | | | (C) | | | | v | | | Creation Future <------------ Present <--(B)-------- of Tjörd, <------- BIG day destruction BANG (arrows at the top are just Chay teleporting, not time jumps) Sequence of events from temporal perspective of James and Frank: (0) James and Frank go back in time initially to Tjörd past. (1) James destroys Earth. (2) James and Frank go forward in time to Tjörd present day. Chay 2, 3 were both EVA and both arrive on board. (3) Chay 1 teleports onboard (4) Chay 3 teleports off. Chay 2 realizes there were three of her onboard at this point. (5) James goes back in time to Earth past. Chay 1 openly onboard, Chay 2 hiding. (6) James destroys Tjörd (7) James and Frank go forward in time to Earth present. (8) Chay 2 sent back in time to Tjörd past (9) Chay 3 reveals herself (10) Time passes. Chay 3 sent back in time to Tjörd past (not shown in story) This sequence of events is consistent, but doesn't explain how James figured out that Chay 3 existed. Rafe's "only the beacon got teleported" idea might be better in that sense, since James might have noticed that there was a thunderclap when air filled the empty space left by a time jump and no such sound happened when Chay supposedly teleported off. It's not conclusive though, since the teleporter could swap the Chay matter with the atmosphere at her destination, like the teleporters in Fine Structure do. (Of course, if that's the case, then it's still possible that my hypothesis happened but James assumed that Rafe's hypothesis happened based on the above reasoning and concluded correctly that Chay was still on board for the wrong reasons. But that's probably overthinking matters.)

2013-02-10 22:15:44 by jonas:

For reference, Robert Heinlein's <em>The Rolling Stones</em> calls the ex-planet that got blown up and became the asteroid belt “Lucifer”. This is a bit confusing, because Clarke uses “Lucifer” as the name of a different object in the Solar System.

2013-06-17 14:11:59 by Stewie:

Unless I am missing something obvious this solution could work: 1: James and frank return to past, switch to Tjörd timeline. 2: They destroy earth. 3: move forward, Chay is sent aboard. 4: A chay is called, not the present one. 5: They return to the past again, shifting to timeline 1. 6: They return to present earth. 7: Chay is sent back in time. So far this is already obvious. But unless I missed something there was no mention of her suit having any ability to shift through time. So she would be shifted to her own universe 4.5 billion years ago. As the cave shifted back in step 1, the ship would simply materialise containing Chay. An error I can see with this is that James checked the time, implying that Chay could have somehow arrived in present day. Her motion as she arrived in vacuum could account for her being not immedietly visible to everyone else.

2013-06-17 14:12:42 by Stewie:

Uh. i'm not entirely sure what happened there.

2013-06-17 19:38:46 by qntm:

I fixed your comment.

2020-01-12 21:45:00 by Ben Thompson:

Wait a minute... The flash implied that Chay had time-looped, I got that. But how did James deduce that there were two histories? And why only two? And we still don't know what would have prevented him from destroying, say, the sun.

2020-08-26 16:36:37 by Connie:

The superweapon isn't large enough to destroy the sun, firstly- it's able to destroy the eart ten times over, not a million. Also, what does dumping a load of energy into the sun even do? Also also: these are not divergent timelines, they are self-corrected. Earth doesn't exist? In that case, Tjörd exists instead. But in the first timeline, Earth is shown to be older than Tjörd by virtue of the fact that only /after/ earth's destruction is Tjörd formed. But then when Tjörd is destroyed, earth is formed, making Earth at the end younger than earth at the beginning. This is obviously not the case, so it appears that rewriting history rewrites it in such a fashion that the time travel is written out. For this, we can guess that destroying the sun would lead to something like Jupiter burning up like a port-a-star, aliens evolving on one of its moons, and them going back in time and /creating/ the sun. The fact time travel is written out is alluded to by James' line that it'd be AWFULLY CONVENIENT if it just so happened there were INTERPLANETARY ALIENS IN THIS TIMELINE, said pretty much to the universe at large. That's what needs to be true, broadly speaking, for Tjörd to get blown up and the symmetry to be complete.

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